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Manual Creasers / Perforators

5 products

We have a choice of manual-operated paper and card creasing and scoring machines, with some of the below models also including perforating features. 

If you are a new start-up company, or are on a tight budget, then the following models would suit your requirements.

The below systems include well-known print finishing brands such as Trimfast, Magnum, and Cyklos.

Regular price £396.00
RRP price £396.00
Regular price £519.00
Unit price
Brand new in box, Magnum MCR-46 tabletop hand creasing system. The MCR46 is able to crease paper, card, and laminated stocks. Creases stock thicknesses of up to 350gsm, and with a maximum creasing...
Regular price £378.00
RRP price £378.00
Regular price £459.00
Unit price
Brand new Magnum MCR-35 manual operated creaser is our best selling entry-level model. Capable of creasing paper, card, and laminated stocks. The MCR35 is able to crease stocks up to 350gsm, and w...
Regular price £897.00
RRP price £897.00
Regular price £1,254.00
Unit price
  An ex-demonstration/showroom SM2 Powis Scorer machine. Fitted with the most common double-die tool. In 'As New' condition and in full working order. Includes Operator-Manual. The Powis Fastback...
Regular price £1,170.00
RRP price £1,170.00
Regular price £1,182.50
Unit price
The Powis Fastback Scorer system is designed specifically for perfect binding (paperback books), normally in conjunction with the Fastback binding machines. Create perfect paperback books instant...
Regular price £378.00
RRP price £378.00
Regular price £459.00
Unit price
The ElmPro 35 all-metal construction manual creaser is suited for up to SRA3 sizes, with a creasing length of up to 350mm. Ideal for creasing card from both digital and litho prints. The Elmpro 3...