Next-Day Delivery Available For Most Items If Ordered Before 15:00

Public sector organisation, school, college, or university? Pay in 30 days - Call 01945 463434 or 07876 201288

Have A Query? Call Now: 01945 463434 or 07876 201288



Elmstok are proud to be a main supplier of various types of document-presentation, binding, laminating and other print finishing products.

We understand that you are looking for the best price after all we all like to save money where we can.

Elmstok strives to offer everyday, competitive low prices across our machines and supplies, both new and used.

We are confident that our prices and exceptional customer service is what brings people to Elmstok when they are searching for print finishing products.

If you have found what you are looking for, but have found the exact same item in stock by another supplier, please let us know and we will offer to price match - or in some cases beat it!

Price Match Terms & Conditions

1. The item you have seen on Elmstok and with another supplier must be in stock to ship immediately.

2. The items must be the exact same.

Please provide us with your quotation from the other supplier or a link to the online product displaying the price and showing as in stock.

Once we confirm that the item you are looking at on Elmstok is able to be purchased cheaper elsewhere we will endeavor to match it - and in some cases beat it!

Submit a Price Match request

Please fill out the form below with as much information as possible to allow us to price match or alternatively call our sales office on 01945 463434